Goebbels' Nose
Dreamed after 1965 by Graham Greene
My experiences in M.I.6. in My Own World [dreams] were far more interesting than the desk work which I performed during three years in the Common World. Curiously enough, of the dozen or so characters I knew then only a couple found their way into the world I am writing of now. So perhaps the Official Secrets Act did cast its shadow even there. Of my experiences perhaps the most adventurous, and more in the spirit of the CIA than of M.I.6., was a certain mission to Germany.
I remember entering a richly furnished drawing-room where Goebbels was sitting in a gilt armchair. There were several other people in the room and I stood by a marble mantel waiting my opportunity, for I had with me a secret weapon for killing Goebbels--a cigarette of which the fumes would be quickly fatal if inhaled.However we must have passed safely through or I would not be alive now to tell the story.I tried to stand close to my victim, holding my cigarette where the fumes would reach him, but I grew impatient and thrust the end of the cigarette up his nostril, then fled from the room. I hoped that the poison would act quickly, and that there would be a confusion which would delay pursuit.
The street was empty and I turned right--then, realizing that I might be seen from the windows, I came back, keeping too close to the wall to be visible, and turned left. I took several side streets, but I had to return to the main street because I had been instructed to go to the North Station and take a train.
There were no soldiers or police in sight, but of course they might now be waiting ahead of me. I was tempted to turn into a park where there were long empty vistas, but I obeyed orders and almost at once the station came in view--a small local station.
Here I found my contact, and a train was already coming in. I took two tickets to the end of the line and realized too late that I had made a bad mistake, for the end of the line proved to be Wapping, and surely to take a ticket to Wapping betrayed me as a foreign agent. The frontier station was the station before Wapping, and I was certain that there we would be intercepted.
SOURCE: A World of My Own: a Dream Diary by Graham Greene, p.15-16. DATE: his dream-diary began in 1965. TITLE: original untitled.
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