Ghostly Wedding Dress
Dreamed before 1977, by Anonymous #64
I was asked to make a wedding dress for a girl who was pregnant. She was very cute and petite, but was beginning to show. I had to come up with a design that would hide her condition. I tried several ideas but none of them satisfied me or her.
One morning, out of the blue, I just woke up with an idea that I instantly drew on paper and I began to work on it. I wanted to trim it with dried flowers and make a crown of the same for the headpiece. The fabric was a Georgette sheer off-white...
When I finished it, I was very pleased and so was the bride. That night I had this dream:
A girl with no face came to thank me for making her dress over again. She never got to wear it for her own wedding because she died before the day. She was wearing exactly the same dress in my dream and said she told me how to make it. I said no, that it was my own idea, but she kept insisting she "came over" (from the other side of life) to tell me what she wanted, and I just followed instructions. She even asked, "When have you ever heard of dried flowers on a dress!" She said they were fresh when she had it.SOURCE: Deirdre Barrett's The Committee of Sleep, 2001, pp.20-21. Her source: Janice [not Janet as in Barrett's endnote] Baylis's Sleep on it!: the Practical Side of Dreaming, 1977, no page given. No name, date or dream-title either; I added to aid searches.
If we assume the faceless girl is Anonymous 64's unconscious, wanting credit for her design, why invent this bizarre backstory that diverts the credit to someone else? On the other hand, if we postulate ghosts, what an odd one! She's forgotten her own face, but remembered her dress; yet not as it had been, but as it would age. "Say it with dead flowers"? And why is she so insistent on claiming credit anyway? Did SHE design her wedding dress? Does she just want her story told, or to see that dress worn on someone, anyone? (I really hope I don't have to spend eternity pushing my fashion obsessions on strangers...)
Either way, the dream's explanation for the gown's origin doesn't explain. Perhaps what we need to postulate here isn't an unconscious or a ghost, but a third entity.
An oddball.
--Chris Wayan
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