Furry Trinity
Dreamed 2021/3/1 by Wayan
I'm watching a slideshow of art, but I only like one piece. It's furry surrealism, and I LOVE it.
A couple pose for a portrait on a sofa--a sentient wolf and an elegant big cat. No--no couple. A triple. Snuggled up with them is a white, long-furred... cendog? Centaurish frame, dog head & tail.
Round these three are pets--dogs and housecats on the chairbacks, the mantel, curled up by them--but nonsentient, you can tell at a glance. Just as it's obvious the central three, though just as furry, are people.
But is this really just illusion? I start to suspect these successive views show, not different art pieces, but successive approaches or versions of one piece.
This is no later version of the same piece. Different species, aura, number of figures, settting, action... The connection must be there, the artist linked them so a mere tilt of your head brings the shift... but what's the connection, what's it mean?
How does the display send different images to different angles, different viewers? Technically impressive... a layer of microprisms over a high-res screen, and interlaced pictures. I've seen novelty stills do this with two images, but never a changing computer display, and never three. Or are even more still hidden?
I wake thinking "Huh! A dream image about... dream images." All those meanings at all those angles!
And all those reductionists, from Freud right up to last week, claiming it's this or that.
"Surely," you think, "the dream can't be about dreamwork itself, and how we limit it. It has to be personal, not public"--only for me, not for all of you too. The experts say so, after all!
Fine. Chuck my silly shamanism out the window. "A dream is a private letter to the self." Say that's so...
Well, all three views do reflect deep truths about me--as a trinity, as a unity, as a... nonentity? They don't even seem in conflict:
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