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Freighter Drops a Nuke

Dreamed 2021/6/8 by Wayan


I take friends to the airport. A car's burning in the main parking tower--black stinking smoke oozes out. Even with the windows shut, I feel it. Toxic. On the way back I stop to smog-test my car. A nervous wait in the oily garage... the scent a faint echo of that fire. But my car soon passes and I'm out.

Later I climb to our roof and wash all the solar panels. At least the air up here's clean...

Then I take notes on The Krelkins, our band's first album. Decide Tour of your Brain should end with Nic yelling "And straight on till morning!" as if she's Peter Pan.

Then a long rehearsal--we try to play these songs live. But whenever I have to play two parts at once, especially if I have to sing too, I get stiff and wooden. To play live, we gotta strip these songs down to the the bone--or find extra players. Just too complex for a trio.

Bedtime. Exhausted. Gee, I wonder why? Though some might not be overwork, but a reaction to that smoke. Nasty.


I'm observing a scene at sea, remotely I think, from a camera mounted on a midsize ship. We're sailing through a narrows into a busy harbor. Big freighters in the distance; tugs and fishing boats nearby. Then one freighter huge as an aircraft carrier slips into view, just a couple hundred yards away. Has a triplesize container teetering precariously on the stern. Triple in EACH dimension; a single steel box big as a mansion.

The freighter, as feels inevitable, hits a tug, and in the shock, the container tilts and falls off the stern. Somehow (it makes no hydrological sense) this lack of weight drags the stern DOWN instead of UP. The freighter noses up steeply, and starts to sink. Choppy waves spread from the collision, but soon calm...

Yet our camera-ship reverses engines and backs away, fast! Hear the captain and pilot yelling in panic. Why? We're nowhere near, now. Zero chance of collision.

Shockwave from an explosion seen from our ship's bridge. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Then the nuclear bomb in the container goes off. Deep enough so the flash doesn't melt people, but even shielded by a million tons of water, it's still blinding. The shockwave boils up and in a second or two reaches our bow, crushing it like a soda can. The shimmer of destruction sweeps toward me. We're almost certainly doomed.

Up till the flash, I didn't care if I was passive but truly on board, or a mere telepresence. Now I care! Am I about to die, or just a camera? I don't know.


Oh, shit. I really overworked yesterday. Detonated a shockwave about to flatten me. I often get a day's delay between stress (overwork OR poisoning) and collapse from that stress. All I can do now is mitigate it with enforced rest.

ACTION: have a quiet day. Or two. Or else.

LISTS AND LINKS: on the road - fires - allergies & environmental illness - workaholism - ships & boats - mistakes - boom! - violence - dying in dreams - health warnings

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