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Dreamed 1989/1/11 by Chris Wayan, digital graphics 1992 (mouse, 16 colors, Amiga)


LISTS AND LINKS: text version of this dream with notes and follow-up - I'm Just Not Myself Today - cross-gender dreams - dream beings - unicorns - roses - mirrors - nurses and nursing - sex dreams - interspecies sex - blown opportunities - phallic dreams - other worlds - worldhopping - psychic dreams - precognition - long-term predictions - a love poem to Silky the sexy black mare, my familiar - comix - self-portraits - pure digital art

World Dream Bank homepage - Art gallery - New stuff - Introductory sampler, best dreams, best art - On dreamwork - Books
Indexes: Subject - Author - Date - Names - Places - Art media/styles
Titles: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - IJ - KL - M - NO - PQ - R - Sa-Sk - Sl-Sz - T - UV - WXYZ
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