A set of sketches prompted by a 1994/9/9 dream; pencil, each ca. 6 x 8", by Chris Wayan
For several years I had recurring dreams of tall, lanky faun-women, with wolf- or mare's tails, and legs like grayhounds. Finally I dreamed I was in ancient times, leaving a sacred island doomed to drown--probably Thera, the origin of the Atlantis myth. With me, I took no treasure, no food, nothing... except a set of sketches of sphinxes or fauns or dryads, mixing animal and human features. The dreams thought such images were that important! So when I woke, I started drawing...
As a group they had forceful characters--assertive and unapologetic, where I'm shy.
It took me a while to realize it was this effortless toe-balancing that made the fauns stand so tall and model-like... sexy but intimidating.
So were their escapades. I watched them coolly do things I wouldn't dare. They never did them to or with me--they weren't sex dreams in that sense. I just witnessed. Slowly, though, I realized they were teaching me using parables. Assertion parables. The bolder the better. To make me wish I were like them... and then realize I am.
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