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Father on the Bridge

Dreamed before 1996 by Julie Akhurst

I dreamed I was walking along Blackfriars Bridge in the dark surrounded by reflections of light wobbling in the Thames. Suddenly a hand plunged up out of the darkness and grabbed my ankle.

Unafraid, I peered down to see my father, hanging on to the bridge for grim life. "Help me, Julie," he said quietly. "Save me."

I knelt, and by pulling at his arm with all my strength, managed to haul him up a few inches. Even then, though, I realised that trying to save him was useless.

Instead of cursing me he looked at me and, for the first time, there was love in his eyes.

"Don't worry", he whispered. "Now I'm gone you need never be lonely. Whenever you need me, I'll return to you in your dreams and we can talk."

Then he slipped through my fingers and was gone.

SOURCE: The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writers' Dreams by Nicholas Royle, 1996, p.3-4

LISTS AND LINKS: nocturnes - bridges - revenants - dads - falling - farewells - healing from abuse - Anne similarly dreams of clearing out an abusive dad: Maggots & Easy Rider - more from Tiger Garden

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