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Ceramic sculpture, 10.5" long, 2000; by Chris Wayan
I'm sculpting a series of partial figures emerging from the surface they lie on... I like the idea of implying a whole figure in a space you can't access, and the shapes on the border of the invisible slice are fascinating.
This one was inspired by an outtake from a fashion shoot. The model was half-awash in beach surf, and the director was shoving her butt an inch lower in the sand, and someone must have said "smile" and shot them. They both cracked up--it looked like Pervert Director Meets Mer-Bimbo. Both were women, which somehow made it funnier.
It was too complex for me to sculpt like that, so I fused the director and the camera into a mini-mecha-photographer, and let them eye each other... Here it is, the essence of modeling, a closed feedback loop we can watch but not really invade. At least this one looks generally happy--the camera's not screaming "YOU'RE TOO FAT" or something...
(These photos don't pick it up well, but her hair is really red-brown, and her eyes and hair ribbon are forest green.)
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