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Fariba and Yalda

Dreamed in tandem c.1997, by Fariba Bogzaran and her friend Yalda

In her exploration in lucid dreaming, Bogzaran constantly incubated lucid dreams of being in her home country and visiting an old friend whom she had not seen for eighteen years. One night, she had the following lucid dream:

I am walking in my old neighborhood where I grew up. Suddenly I ask myself "how did I get here?" I do not remember taking a plane. At that point I become lucid. I continue walking and have a strong intention to see Yalda my old childhood friend [she has moved and I have never been in her new house]. I find the street where she lives and walk towards her house. The color of the door is pale blue. I ring the bell and she opens the door. I am overjoyed to see her. We cry and hug each other with overwhelming emotion. Embracing her feels absolutely real. The intensity of the experience wakes me up.

Bogzaran recorded the dream and in the morning she wrote her friend a letter enclosing the dream. In her letter, she detailed what she saw in her dream and described the location of her friend's new house.

A week later she received a letter from Yalda. In this letter, dated the day after the dream (indicating that she had mailed her letter around the same time as Bogzaran had mailed hers), her friend described the same dream.

In Yalda's dream, Bogzaran came back home for a visit. Her friend described the same scene that Bogzaran had experienced, where Bogzaran knocked at the door and Yalda opened the door. Surprised to see each other, they embraced with great excitement. At that moment Yalda also became lucid in her dream.
This mutual lucid dream helped them to have an experience that they had been anticipating for years. The experience was so intense and vivid that they had a strong felt sense that they had actually seen and visited each other. This mutual lucid dream was a profound experience, a gift for both friends.

Five years later, after twenty-three years of separation, the two friends were able to meet in waking life. The moment they saw each other, they embraced with an emotional intensity similar to that in the dream they had shared. Their dreams were precognitive, mutual, and lucid.


Well, I agree with two-thirds of that. Their dreams were clearly lucid and mutual, but precognitive? Mutual dreams like these are communicate across space not time. Though unless you claim roughly simultaneous identical dreams are pure coincidence, they're still convincingly paranormal--just telepathic, not precognitive.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, pp.91-2.
DATE: at least 5 years ago in 2002: 1997 or before. Bogzaran was in America by 1979 (graduated college '83); 18 years later is 1997.

LISTS AND LINKS: lucid dreams - home - color - location & cartography - friends - telepathic dreams - psychic dreams in general - more Stanley Krippner

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