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Fantastic Ride
(La Chevauchee Fantastique)

Dream-painting (oil on canvas) spring 2007 by Marie-Claude Girondé

Dream-based oil painting, 'La Chevauchee Fantastique' by Marie-Claude Girondé, 116 x 81 cm.
Photo of painter Marie-Claude Girondé

"The life of a horseman is full of dreams"

--John Grisham


In French "chevauchée" literally translates as ride, but also has connotations of excess or going beyond (more like English "stampede"); and the painting certainly overflows with orgasmic implications.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: nocturnes - wet dreams (no, not sex dreams, that's quite another kettle of horses) - eggs - fertility, birth, hatching - horses - sexy creatures - Another girl hatches horses from giant eggs in: The Egg Problem - dream painting - dream sculpture - more Marie-Claude Girondé -

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