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Face of a Saint

Dreamed 1964/10/6 by Graham Green

Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union c.1960.

In the Common World I always felt a certain affection for Khrushchev in spite of his invasion of Hungary... Perhaps I was influenced in my affection by the meetings I had with him in My Own World in 1964... [Green then tells four dreams of dining with Khrushchev at the Savoy; here's the fourth.]

At our last meeting he was personally dealing with visas for the Soviet Union. He noticed that my profession was listed as 'writer', and he expressed the hope that I would write about his country.

I noticed how very clear and blue his eyes were, and when I rejoined my friends I told them, "When you see him close, he has a beautiful face, the face of a saint."

...It is a strange thing that sometimes that World of My Own seems to be influenced by the world we have in common. J.W. Dunne in his Experiment with Time might have argued that when I described Khrushchev as having the face of a saint (of a dead man) I had felt a presage of his dismissal, the news of which I learnt on the election-night broadcast of October 15, 1964, at the Savoy--where in the World of My Own we had dined together nine days before.

SOURCE: A World of My Own: a Dream Diary by Graham Greene, pp.28-30


This may seem merely suggestive, not a psychic hit; but context is all. Greene had multiple, indisputable hits going back to childhood--a vivid nightmare of a ship sinking the night the Titanic went down. He didn't wonder if he had predictive dreams; they were a fact of his life. He's just noting that some below the threshold of provability still seem to be fainter echoes of the future, somehow reverberating through time.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: politics - leaders - falling dreams (mostly, it's true, physical, not political) - premonitory dreams? - more Graham Greene - a 1962 nightmare by a world leader predicting his failure: LBJ Shackled

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