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Dreamed c.1784 by an Oldham girl

At Oldham a young woman of unblamable character (otherwise I should not have given her any credit) gave me a remarkable account. She said,
"I had totally lost the sight of my right eye, when I dreamed one night, that our Saviour appeared to me, that I fell at his feet, and he laid his hand upon my right eye. Immediately I waked and from that moment have seen with that eye as with the other."
SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p. 242-3. His source: John Wesley's journal, 1784/4/12.


This isn't a particularly Christian miracle. Any pilgrim to an Asclepian temple in the ancient world would take it in stride. Some dreamt of an appointment with the god of healing himself; some of their local gods of healing, or the temple serpents; some simply woke with healed, their own healing abilities stimulated or focused by the retreat. But such dream-healings happened, and still happen, some quite outside any religious tradition--such as Ovaries, dreamed 1979.

--Chris Wayan--

LISTS AND LINKS: eyes & vision - blindness - Natalian dreams (non-medical dreams leaving physical traces) - more from John Wesley: Don't Go to Market, Listen to your Wife, Samuel Savage, I shall Hurt you Worse - The Key to his Life - more Megroz

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