Eye of Tooth,
The Score
Dreamed 2014/1/28 by Wayan
Cafe tables in a courtyard. At one end, a corral. Music-stand
fenceposts, cello strings for wire. Orchestra penned. No-go. But I need to read one music score. Near a century old, for it's a diary too: Pancho Villa, that border rebel after World War One. He left me a coded crosstime message; for we both are time-agents for the Revolution. Work in concert. Gotta know the score!
| The players take five, but alarm their fence. How can...
| But a stranger jumps my slumps! Nureyev leap. He grabs
| He urges her "To heal, put the herb in an Ojo de Diente."
| Long for success. Code, yes! The score.
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