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Eyes in the Black Square

Dreamed 1985/1/4 by Mark Varitz & Wayan

Eyes peer out of a black square. Dream sketch by Wayan.


I'm staying at a friend's house down near Santa Cruz. In bed, half asleep, I feel a creepy warning sensation. Open my eyes. See a faint gleam of eyes at the window--a curtainless black square, naked to the dark. A prowler!

I glare back; the eyes blink and vanish. I peer out and get a glimpse of the peeper slinking off. It's my mom. I go tell the others she's around and snooping--again.

Next day, my friend Mark, down near Santa Cruz, tells me his dream last night:


A black squarish trapdoor opens in my bedroom ceiling.

From the black square, eyes glare down at me !

I wake in shock.

Chris: nocturnes - house & home - beds - false waking & nested dreams - privacy & snooping - moms - eyes & vision - weird dream humor
Mark: nightmares - home, privacy, eyes again - shared or telepathic dreams - ESP in general - Santa Cruz region - more dreams of & by Mark

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