Dreamed Independence Day 1980 by Chris Wayan
An egg of energy whirls around, like the fireworks Cynthia lit in the parking lot tonight. But this isn't fireworks. It's my egg of power.
It's pretty gaudy. You can spot my power a mile off. More. How far would I have to go to hide it?
Nowhere on Earth will do, of course. Nosy people all over. Or the moon, now that humans have colonized it. Mars? No, they're aiming for that. And they're so curious about Io and Europa, I don't think Jupiter's safe...
And so, step by step, I flee the inner solar system. At first, I think the rings of Saturn are far enough, but I still feel uncomfortable. Titan's just too interesting to researchers...
My vision unreels past Saturn, like a film, inevitably--out of the system, to lightspeed. And beyond, multiples of C, the world all inside out! To still another hyperspeed--dazzling lines enter and fragment my vision into thirds! Still another phase-jump of speed kicks in, and I'm swimming in formless brilliance...
Beyond the known universe.
Well, I wanted to know how far I'd have to go. And as I look around at the lightshow, the incomprehensible geodesics of n-space, I know.
I already knew I fear my power. And hide my power. What I didn't know, what the dream was showing me, is just how far I'll go to hide my power.
Pretty far.
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