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Dreamed 2008/6/13 by Wayan

. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I bike to our local college. I'm trying out classes.

The course I'm checking out today is listed as Logic, which fills a (pointless) requirement, so I'm trying to add it even though I feel it's redundant--I took a course in it years ago, but this college denied me transfer-credit for my old class, on flimsy grounds. I mean, logic is underlying principles; it doesn't need an update like physics or current events.

But I'm not sure this class is classical logic. The online course description didn't sound like logic at all...

The teacher stalks in. A man with a fiercely intelligent aura. His first words: "This course was misnamed by the school administrators. Logic is about WORDS. I teach... EFFECTIVENESS."

He looks at us, just a moment each, but sharply. Pauses slightly on me.

He picks up a copy of the course prospectus, folds it into a paper airplane (with one hand!) and throws it across the room. It sails in a great curve, landing neatly on a shelf just by me!

Not just an amazing throw, but perceptive and efficient--others had copies of the prospectus, but he noticed I didn't--while his method of delivery showed what he meant by effective, AND proved it's practical.

And not magical. He never broke the rules of physics, just worked optimally within them--saw my need, folded the answer, and threw it juuuust right.

I pencil THIS course in. As I mutter "So that's why it's required."

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