Dry Humping on Stage
Dreamed 1968 by Marilyn Stablein
see more of her work at marilynstablein.com
I sit in the middle of a large auditorium. Every seat is taken. Up front people sit on blankets spread on the wooden floor.
The Master of Ceremonies calls out my name. "Welcome!" he croons through the microphone, "'You've been selected to 'partner' with"--his arm swings around to introduce Dorje, a Tibetan lama, sitting cross-legged on a dragon carpet behind him.
The lama's eyes are half-closed feigning disinterest, or maybe sly confidence?
I walk onstage, take a bow, then sit down face-to-face on Dorje's lap. We kiss vigorously then start dry humping in all kinds of crazy positions like those found in an outdated, discarded Kama Sutra text.
As the MC calls out the names we move into the positions:
SOURCE: More Night Travels to Tibet by Marilyn Stablein, 2011, Shivastan Publishing (www.shivastan.com), "... a series of prose-poems based on actual dreams first recorded in 1968 when living and studying in the Himalayas for six years."
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