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Dreamed 1999/8/30 by Chris Wayan

I'm in a car full of nerds--and I'm one of them.

A gang starts taunting us. The men are in leather, like wannabe bikers (no bikes); the women dress slutty. Oh! I know them! They're the Singles Bar Cult!

They've been drinking again.

The gang picks up one sloppy-drunk woman and slings her through the open window, into our car, into the laps of the two shy men in the front seat. They sneer "Aw, you guys don't even know what to do with her when she's sittin' right on it."

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
But SHE doesn't sneer at them, she just laughs blurrily. In fact I kind of like her energy. So okay, she's maybe not an intellectual. At least she's not mean.

Now it's MY lap she's in. I grab her; we paw and giggle.

Mmmm... we fuck right there in the seat, as they all gawk. Neither my nerdy friends nor the Singles Cult expected that!

I come...

And start to wake in the middle of orgasm. For a moment, to my astonishment, I can feel the dream-penis spurting uncontrollably... and my waking-body penis NOT!

I wake fully, and find this is true. Not a wet dream!

A... dry dream?

Yet the dream orgasm was unmistakable, in fact one of the most intense I've felt.


Weird. Sleep research swears that orgasm in a dream means orgasm in the physical body. REM (rapid eye movement; the deepest vividest dreamstate) causes sexual arousal in both men and women, regardless of the dream's content, even if a dream's totally unsexy. The link between REM and penile/clitoral erection is so consistent, sleep labs use it as a sign of REM.

An orgasm in just the dream body? I didn't know that was even POSSIBLE.

I can't logically explain how this can be. But I suspect I know why. I'm so deep into dreamwork, so steeped in dream research, that my dream-creator wanted to make a point of disproving the conventional wisdom. I feel like I was being deliberately shown just how independent the dreamworld, and dreambody, can be from the physical world--and physical body.

Lots of dreams look rooted in the sleeping body's state, and they may be... but what if that's just the easy default? They don't have to be linked. At ALL.


Gayle Delaney's book Sexual Dreams, 1994, p.40, cites The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex (1990, pp 88-91) as saying not all orgasmic dreams are wet, AND not all wet dreams are orgasmic. The body and the dream body really can separate that much.

LISTS AND LINKS: embarrassment & humiliation - hot babes, hot hunks, hot creatures - sex dreams - weird genitalia - out-of-body experiences - doubles & alter egos - dreams about dreaming - dreamwork in general - digital dream art - a second dream apparently experimenting inside REM: So Arousal Means It's REM?

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