The Dream Tree
Dreamed May 1997 by Roswila [aka: Patricia Kelly]
Not only do I love trees in waking life, but they are companions in my dreams, as in the poem below, based on a dream I had in May of 1997:
I have no roots. No stories
I have no roots but those I steal.
I have no roots but those I steal
I have no roots but those I steal
My father, doubly transformed
Deeply awed, I inhale gratefully
The refrain is what haunts me. "I have no roots but those I steal." For so many of us Americans, our ancestral stories weren't just passively lost but actively censored or withheld--painful, shameful, old-World, old-fashioned. Or, of course, not censored but cast off--we plugged our ears, knowing in our adolescent wisdom that what we'd hear from elders was unpleasant and irrelevant to our peer-led lives.
Roswila focuses here on family. But it seems to me we've uprooted ourselves from more than our ancestors. Isn't this shining Mother Tree rooted deeper than just... grandparents? Nature herself. A billion years of evolution whispers in our every cell. If we listen.
--Chris Wayan
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