Drill to Flow
Dreamed 2011/4/8 by Wayan
I just read In the Realm of the Immortals by Tamora Pierce. Daine, who talks to animals better than people, finds out her dad's a nature deity and her mom's only dead on Earth; he wangled her a job as a minor goddess. The animal gods help Daine, and the dreamgod gives Daine mute, indirect tips, but all the big-name gods are stuffy--distrust Daine even after she saves their butts. But Pierce argues "What do you expect? Most gods are embodiments of order."
Thunder-debate. At last
the bureaucracy of gods grant me a bubble of life as a pianist: after mere
when I a melody enhear,
true! The blackandright
and in just twenty years!
And then I wake to feel
the flow all flow away. Back to composing for clumsy bearpaws, Thor
after half a life of
whispers now I can
for a godpanel granted me
Well. Things have changed. I started suspecting I had Lyme disease, and took a heavy regimen of antibiotics and antiparasitic herbs. Along with my other symptoms my clumsiness disappeared! Only intermittently, so far, but it's a strange feeling to acquire within hours an inner pianist who plays whatever notes I hear in my head--and then, a day or two later, to lose that session player again, and go back to playing every note consciously, your fingers pushing through oatmeal. Not the Oatmeal of Inadequate Practice, but the Oatmeal of Neurological Impairment.
Like waking up sober to realize you were drunk for 45 years. And just as you start exploring your unfamiliar brain, your drinking buddies come by, pry open your jaw, and pour the liquor down.
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