Dreamed & painted by Joseph Kemeny, c.2011?
--Joseph Kemeny
Kemeny's method of attaining lucid dreams is the classic one described in Stephen La Berge's Lucid Dreaming etc--you notice (or test for) discrepancies, say with writing (as with the ad and streetsign here). But that's not the only way. I get lucid dreams just by asserting (each night just before bed for, say, a week) that I'll go lucid--not too different from dream incubation, where you ask a question as you go to sleep. In a majority of my lucid dreams, I don't spot a discrepancy in "reality" and conclude I'm dreaming; I just know--take it for granted.
Still, a lot of lucid dreamers seem to get good results from playing detective.
--Chris Wayan
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