Dream of Koa Returning
dreamed 2009 or before, by W.S. Merwin
Sitting on the steps of that cabin
that I had always known with its porch and gray-painted floorboards I looked out to the river flowing beyond the big trees and all at once you were just behind me lying watching me as you did years ago and not stirring at all when I reached back slowly hoping to touch your long amber fur and there we stayed without moving listening to the river and I wondered whether it might be a dream whether you might be a dream whether we both were a dream in which neither of us moved |
This is from The Shadow of Sirius by W.S. Merwin, 2009, Copper Canyon Press. Most of its poems concern old memories; I found them austere and without sensory color, as if Merwin has retreated into his head. The handful of dream poems are still sober, but subtly more colorful and sensuous; all are full of living things and nearly all have connections to creatures.
--Chris Wayan
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