Dramatic Parasites
Dreamed 1995/6/28 by Chris Wayan
I'm biking idly around Palo Alto, California, under the trees, thinking about all the income from writing I expect to start getting soon. I project about $70,000 a year on average, and I figure I can support myself and about ten friends on that--I live cheaply after all, and already have a baseline income from all the savings I invested. I'm cheap. I can afford to support, yes, about ten. Make a list...
Funny, all those on my list are Psychodrama actors, old friends I haven't seen much in recent years. Nor have I missed them much. Not old friends: EX-friends!
Slowly I start thinking "Why would I want to support these people I hardly know any more? They already feel like drama queens, most of them... free money will just make that worse."
I don't enjoy them any more. I want to dump them all! But can I? I'm such a soft touch for money... and they're such good actors. They can always manufacture a crisis...
Maybe I'm better off staying poor.
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