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Dog or... Kitty?

Dreamed 2019/5/1 by Wayan and Cory, linked predictive dreams


I [Wayan] visit a friend with a huge bed. I hop on, and pet their big tawny dog. Their REALLY big dog. Slowly I start to wonder. Is she really a puma--a mountain lion?

NEXT DAY Beach; woman and her dog, Kitty. Sketch by Wayan.

My housemate Cory tells me HER dream last night: she was petting a... catdog? Dogcat? She found it adorable. Too.


Cory goes off to the beach. Sees a woman playing with her dog. Her dog named... Kitty.

"Here, Kitty, Kitty..."


Ohhkay then. So much for symbolism.

LISTS AND LINKS: cats & dogs - dreams of/by Cory - telepathic/shared dreams - predictive dreams - ESP in general - the power of names - weird dream humor

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