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Disaster Dream
Dreamed before 2023 by Roz Chast
Millions of us have probably had some variations of those early scenes--fears of domestic terrorism are hardly rare in 2023. But the later scenes have some odd traits:
- I often false-wake near the end of a dream and struggle to write the dream down and interpret it, then wake again to find the writing's gone. Frustrating to write it down again, but this means the interpretation (which I often still recall) was my dreaming mind's interpretation of its own dream. Roz comes close to that here--I think her waking up mid-dream to wonder "what's dream, what's real?" then struggling to write the dream down on the sheet, expresses how hard it is to capture dreams as we half-wake, as memories spread and fade like ink stains on cotton.
- The last panel shows the opposite of dream-fading: dream persistence. How is it that vivid dream scenes still affect us as if they really happened, even after we're awake? Nominally awake. Eyes wide, yet still convinced by the dream. If dreams are so ephemeral, what's with that?
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: I Must Be Dreaming by Roz Chast, Bloomsbury, 2023, p.89
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