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Dawn's Dream

Dreamed by Dawn Z, song by Chris Wayan

"Dawn's Dream" performed by The Krelkins, 2007
Won't play? Plain MP3, 2:30 (2.315 MB, 44 khz)
My friend Dawn told this dream:
"I felt like a worthless thing.
I searched the town for a place
I could hide my ugly face,

And there it stood--armored steel--
Dempster Dumpster, real as real!
I crawled in and made a nest...
Garbage was my place of rest!"

Think you're trash? Feel you're less?
How comforting is your worthlessness!
Give it up--naked be!
For garbage armor isn't free!

Dawn curled up--a shame-filled egg
Yogurt hair and ketchup leg.
She declared: "It's bizarre,
but I felt at last secure!

This womb of trash soothed my nerves;
I was in the bin that I deserved!
Should you feel you're garbage too,
Don't follow me into the goooooooooooo..."

Think you're trash? Feel you're less?
How comforting is your worthlessness!
Give it up--naked be!
For garbage armor isn't free!
Never free!

Paint-sketch of a girl in blue shorts diving into a red dumpster.

NOTES --Chris Wayan--

LISTS AND LINKS: more dreams of Dawn Z - musical dreams - Krelkins music - shit!: dreams of sewage, garbage, and other odoriferous delights - pride and humility - shells and armor - wombs and birth - caves - hiding, secrets, privacy - hermits, loners and social dropouts

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