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Cyclotron of Flowers

Dreamed 2015/9/13 by Wayan

Moonless night. Meadow. Only light
    Are flowerglows.
Horse and rider gallop a wild ring;

Trail a luminous spiral wake.
    They spread
Orange indigo lemon plum cyan--all but

Rider and mount--not master and beast
    but mates
At an astral task: they generate
    a spiral gate.

Ions in a cyclotron of flowers. Power
    for what?
Energy crackles, builds in the swirl-
    pool of light.

Into otherworld they'll charge, charged
    with lightning life.

Night; horse gallops in a circle, trailing a spiral of light. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: nocturnes - magic - weird dream devices - portals - horses - light & color - rings & spirals - flowers - ESP in society - bias - Jungian dreams - dreams about dreaming - dreamwork in general - poems - pencil art - book-inspired dreams - Andre Norton - Shannon, Samantha - the portal opens in: Embarkation

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