Coyote Angel
2000/1/3, dream-related sculpture, 19", by Chris Wayan.
Body: paperclay (a fine-grained papier-mache). Wings: coathanger, aluminum foil, acrylic gel and paint. Eyes: glass marble shards.
A half-done sculpture I couldn't wait to show as-is... It's a portrait of a coyote woman, or so she seems. But she's a shapeshifter; who can be sure?
The sculpture's a sort of three-dimensional snapshot, catching her in the turmoil of transformation, as her arms curl and coil like smoke, rearranging into wings...
Below, with more sculpted face and hair. Her eyes are shards of purple & green marbles.
I tried it. I liked it. They clarified this isn't a fixed, surreal predicament but the momentary swirl when arms become wings.
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