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Dreamed & crayoned by Peter Birkäuser 1970; lithograph 1974

This is a dream experience. The spiralling snake points to the centre.

Among all the thousands of stars in the sky, folklore says that one is 'our star', meaning our individual destiny, which is the consummation of our totality.

'Constellation', a snake coiling through stars; dream-based print by Peter Birkhauser.
Every path and process of life (the snake) leads to the star, whether we know it or not. There, in the centre, is the well of the 'water of life', the life of the innermost soul.

SOURCE: Light from the Darkness: the Paintings of Peter Birkhauser, (1980), p.92-3; commentary by his therapist, Marie-Louise von Franz.

LISTS AND LINKS: space & stars - mandalas - snakes - goal & purpose - surreal & Jungian dreams - crayon & printed dream art - more Peter Birkhauser

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