1992/10/9 nondream digital painting (plus dream-anticipation) by Chris Wayan.
No dream--this really happened. My friend Roxana (cute, but with a boyfriend, sigh) invited me to China Beach, a small sheltered cliff-walled cove here in San Francisco. Only the park rangers can use the tiny service road; a path forked off. Stairs down. Ceanothus clung to the cliff. On the beach, a lesbian couple sunbathed nude. Then, walking the beach, Roxana told me...
I know, I know--they probably had their own worries...
Recently, going through my 1992 journal, I found that the night before Roxana invited me to China Beach, I dreamed of ceanothus everywhere, and a park with forking roads... So I guess this one's not quite so non-dream after all.
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