Dreamed 1974/5/22 by Chris Wayan
I'm on a stage in a vast vaudeville hall, doing Charlie Chaplin routines and magic tricks.
Then someone hands me a ring of invisibility. Not stage magic. REAL magic.
I improvise a number of spectacular tricks disappearing things. For my last trick, I disappear myself.
Backstage, ring off, I meet my dorm-mates Brian and Terri. They're deep in love. On a sudden impulse, I offer them the Ring as a wedding-gift. They each try it on, but no magic--they don't disappear! Immune to its power.
With a fine steel needle they engrave on the ring: "We will always love Charlie Chaplin." With sad faces bursting now and then into bittersweet laughter, they formally give the newly engraved Ring back to me.
Am I Charlie Chaplin, then? I feel sad. They have each other; the leftover love they offer me isn't enough.
It's not enough being Chaplin.
I need someone to love me too.
"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,And my friends' message is different. Their message is... love.
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
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