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Dreamed 1987/9/15 by Wayan


I bike through dark streets. Not even streetlights. One single bay window is bright-lit. How?

I stop and peer in. A room with mirrored walls. A naked girl comes out of a shower and strides toward me, lit by some unseen lamp through an archway. As she crosses the room, wedges of her golden skin appear in the mirrors; the room's soft-lit from every angle. Many naked men now follow her--or is it just a couple, multiplied by the mirrors? Confusing. I crane my neck, obsessed and upset, guilty at my own peeping, but I can't tear my eyes away--a kaleidoscopic voyeur.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


My neighborhood has a power failure. I bike home through dark streets. Not even streetlights. One single bay window is bright-lit. How?

I stop and peer in. I find... no, not a nude kaleidoscope. But the residents set big mirrors on bureaus and tables, and lit a couple dozen candles before them; the candleflames reflect, almost doubling the light. Four dozen candlepower's enough to make the whole room glow. Lured me in like a moth, even from a block away.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Eerie. Shows what candlepower can do. And... that other power.

LISTS AND LINKS: night - power - light & mirrors - nudity & exhibitionism - predictive dreams - ESP in general - pencil dream art - now I'M nude in a Bay Window

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