Dreamed 1991/7/2 by Chris Wayan.
I saw a painting of mine in the De Young Museum called The Businessman in Anguish. When I woke, I knew I was meant to paint it. The dream-version was angular, with disturbing tilted masses, like "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"--awake, I couldn't capture that fully. Still, that businessman has some of the feel of the dream. He's literally painted with anguish: I used the word itself as my paintbrush (look close and you can see the letters in some spots where they haven't overlapped too many times).
The De Young Museum houses San Francisco's collection of old masters--at least second-rate old masters. Seeing my painting of the Businessman among the medieval Christs and Flemish burghers convinced me capitalism and gender armor will fossilize into quaint archaism too--in the end. The sooner the better!
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