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Dreamed 1994/12/10, forgotten and painted as a nondream image, by Chris Wayan

The Spinoff Products Marketing Department of the World Dream Bank is pleased to announce there are eight Buddha Bears in our fall collection, reflecting the Eightfold Path.

Buddha Bears. Who cares what they look like? All is illusion. Just buy them.
Though if sales continue to show strength, we're thinking of expanding it to the Sixteenfold Path.


I was going through my 1994 journal and found, to my surprise, the Buddha Bears are dream-based. Here's the source:

1994/12/10: THE TENQ

I'm on a starship, a small scout surveying a new world lightyears from home. A vital part called a tenq breaks. About 10 cm long, 3-4 thick, carved. I check our inventory screen and find we have spare tenqs... 1300 of them! A little girl we know, with a mutant brain that thinks in lattices of associations, not chains like most, asked the drydock AI to stock not ONE spare but 1300. Her note in the database is short & cryptic--how'd she know we'd need a tenq? Why'd she order so many? Where ARE they? Maybe we haven't recognized them--she writes as if they're TOYS, cute little stuffed animals called... Buddha Bears?

So now I'm not sure Buddha Bears are the mild mockery of capitalism I thought. Whatever tenqs are, they suddenly sound more... life and death.

LISTS AND LINKS: Buddhas - bears - religion dragged in the dirt - capitalism - dream humor - pure digital art - ships & boats - deep space - kids - geniuses - autism - rescued? - same dreamer, same night: Beggars in Spain

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