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Experienced 1988/11/2 by Wayan

Hand holding brass buckles. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I've been putting off washing my laundry, but today when I get home tired from work, intuition says "do it RIGHT NOW." I reluctantly load up my car and head to the laundromat. Surprised to find my housemate Lizzie there, drying her clothes. Same laundromat, same day, same time...

I choose a washing machine and find two brass buckles in it. The buckles on the straps of MY overalls, that Lizzie borrowed for a Halloween costume, that I reluctantly lent her, that she's drying right now. But without those buckles the overalls just fall off, useless. I went to that particular machine in that particular laundromat at that particular time and saved my overalls from being ruined.

Quietly angry, I show the buckles to Lizzie. She says defensively "They fell off in the wash and I couldn't find them anywhere."

They were in plain sight, soon as I opened the lid.

Sheer stupidity? Passive aggression? Or an unconscious conspiracy between her unconscious and mine, to rub my nose in... whatever you want to call this. Synchronicity, ESP, intuition.

Sure, call it coincidence. Be stupid. Be passive-aggressive. Because if you've experienced the tug of intuition, ESP deniers are just blind people arrogantly denying the existence of light.

LISTS AND LINKS: intuitions - hurry! - hunts & searches - clothing - blindness - ESP - living with ESP - trust - tales of the waking world - Liz on a better day

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