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Dreamed 1989/5/28, drawn as a digital comic by Chris Wayan, 1990
(This was STONE AGE digital art! A mouse, just 32 colors, a page 400-odd pixels wide. I've doubled the original size here.)
- Me as a coyote: I couldn't draw myself as a cowboy on the bridge, so I substituted the coyote I'd been in an earlier dream. My reluctance to draw my human face was so strong I didn't fight it. Guess Reagan makes me ashamed of my species.
- Mahakala is the Tibetan Buddhist god of right anger; a protector. As far as I know he hasn't really put out any TV ads yet.
- Annie Oakley was a sharpshooter around 1900; her life inspired the musical "Annie, Get Your Gun." Once I dreamed I was Oakley, in Annie, Get Your Gown!
- The Hoover Institute at Stanford (on Page 2) is where Reagan's economic policies were thought out--to use "thought" very loosely.
- Tip o' the cowboy hat to Jonathan Swift for the use of his Yahoos. Though there's plenty more where they came from, sigh...
- I cringed, writing "Don't be attractive unless you know who you'll attract," for I don't want the Yahoos to win--to block the bridge, to keep us from becoming unicorns. But caution is advisable in a gun-slingin' world. I'm a unicorn these days, most of the time, but a gun-shy unicorn who keep his eyes open. You should too.
- "Don't laugh, it's hard to paint with your horn" is a parody of Picasso's sexist pronouncement "A true artist paints with his cock!" I always thought Picasso's girlfriends were better equipped to grip a brush than him. Or did he mean he, um, fingerpainted...? Hmm, on second thought I don't want to know--my list of the world's Seven Toxic Wonders omits the Cadmium Weenie. It was hard enough washing my horn off.
I'm Just Not Myself Today -
cross-species dreamselves -
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