Blue Skies
Dreamed 1980? by Georganna Malloff
I was an artist in residence at Leighton Colony, in Banff, high in the Alberta Rockies, with a wonderful studio to paint in for three months. What to paint? The neighboring artist, who was on a career track to be head of Alberta College of Art, said I was expected to do abstractions.
But instead, always following my inner muse... I received a dream of a raggedy bear playing the cello. So it turns out Alymer Bylsma from Holland was to play a cello concert at the Banff School of Music. I went, and he looked exactly like that bear! He wasn't the only bear around. Banff is a national park, and the animals (including bears) all do their rounds about the artists' residency...
The little people relate to native local myths.
The music stand was there in my studio, and I had the only studio with windows--so, October and blue skies forever.
I was very happy there. Sculptors generally are frustrated painters. So when I can plunk myself down and paint to my heart's content, I am glad.
Never did show this at the Banff Art Museum. Should have, as it was a turning point for working with animal mythology. Later, living on my island, I even played music to the bears, or so the local fishermen said...
The crevasse is nearby, part of the local tectonic mythology.
The painting is much cherished and hangs in a private home near Sooke, BC, playing music to the Pacific Ocean over a fireplace. Amen.
--Georganna Malloff
So wobble on, all you spirits in your funny bodies! And recognize your partners in the dance.
--Chris Wayan
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