Blue Brains
Dreamed 2017/12/11 by Wayan
Next Evening
I learn what it means. My housemate turns on her TV and gets Doctor Who--shrunk to mouse-size, exploring inside a Dalek, who literally is a talking brain in a jar controlling a stumpy robot-torso.
So... I dream of brains in jars. A TV show the next day clearly echoes the dream, so it looks predictive, but I wake to find that day and show were still in my dream, so it WASN'T truly predictive--a type of dream-joke I call pseudo-ESP. But that evening a real TV show DOES echo the dream--it WAS predictive! Again. All this flip-floppy arm-waving seems like a semaphore to me--like the dream was trying to signal its own nature, warn it was predictive, and that what it predicted was a TV image... self-flagging! A phenomenon quite as intriguing as pseudo-predictive dreams. Or real ones.
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