Black Winter
Dreamed around 1997 by Jeff Knabel
I dreamed a large meteor had struck the Earth.
In the aftermath, I was searching for my Dad. When I finally found him, the shockwave from the impact was pushing me away. He was scared out of his mind, and frozen with fear. I could see the reflection of the explosion in his eyes, glowing bright red.
In the end I couldn't reach him, and I woke up in a cold sweat...
My father died a year later, on his birthday.
The dream stayed with me for years; at last I wrote a song about it, also titled 'Black Winter'. You can hear it at:
or just Google "Jeff Knabel Black Winter"
The question has personal meaning for me; my father was old but active until he woke up paralyzed from a nap; a rare virus that killed him soon after. But for a year before that, my dreams were full of death, guilt, helplessness, and paralysis. In one I became my dad and felt the paralysis take over.
So I do wonder if Jeff's dream was more than mere extrapolation.
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