Black Blot Eyes
Dreamed 2023/12/22 by Wayan
I leaf through a magazine with a cover story showing Latino couples at the beach--rocky points, sandy coves. Stylish couples, some sexy... but they all have weird eyes, just black-on-black blots. The result of a bad sharpening filter or poor printer's registration? Too slight to mar the big picture, but details come out wrong? Then why do I only see it in the eyes? Did someone deface (literally de-face!) every image carefully by hand? I think this wasn't a printing error, but human malice!
Creepy... no matter what caused it.
Wake baffled and repelled. What the hell did that mean?
I read Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan. There's a way to recognize the cursed double of the Mirrored Prince, otherwise identical to his regular self: his eyes are black-on-black blots.
Okay, now it's really creepy...
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