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Black Blot Eyes

Dreamed 2023/12/22 by Wayan

I leaf through a magazine with a cover story showing Latino couples at the beach--rocky points, sandy coves. Stylish couples, some sexy... but they all have weird eyes, just black-on-black blots. The result of a bad sharpening filter or poor printer's registration? Too slight to mar the big picture, but details come out wrong? Then why do I only see it in the eyes? Did someone deface (literally de-face!) every image carefully by hand? I think this wasn't a printing error, but human malice!

Creepy... no matter what caused it.

Wake baffled and repelled. What the hell did that mean?

Couple at beach with black blots for eyes. Nightmare sketch by Wayan.


I read Mirrorwood by Deva Fagan. There's a way to recognize the cursed double of the Mirrored Prince, otherwise identical to his regular self: his eyes are black-on-black blots.

Okay, now it's really creepy...

LISTS AND LINKS: nightmares - beaches - heads & faces - beauty & ugliness - disability & deformity - eyes & vision - hatred & malice - predictive dreams - ESP in general - book-inspired dreams (but usually the book comes first!)

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