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Bank Rigged to Fail

Dreamed 2023/10/2 by Wayan

Dollar sign covered in icicles. Dream sketch by Wayan.

I find myself working in a bank. A new, experimental mini-branch--a twig?

But our work rules are so stupid, I start to suspect we were rigged to fail. Only one guy has the passwords to disburse money--not just to approve loans, but even to let people access their own accounts! The rest of us are all trainees--we can keep records, greet people and accept deposits, that's all.

Today, the password guy went to a long lunch while the bank is open. We're half-paralyzed for over an hour. Luckily, for much of it, no one needed cash; but now, two customers are sitting, fuming, while my co-workers stall and make excuses, hoping the password guy walks in! I go over to one and confess flatly what the problem is.

Here comes Password now, in his natty suit. I drag him over to the Furious Number One and go explain to Number Two.

My patience is gone. We have to be trusted to withdraw funds, or we can't do our jobs. This system has to change--now.


I need to transfer cash between two accounts... and it won't go. The small IRA I inherited from my mom is frozen! Did the forms right, but it won't let me withdraw. Looks like I have to call. Try... but can't get through.

And I know why. My old bank failed, a megabank bought it--and beefed up cyber security while cutting staff to the bone.

ACTION: I know what to do, I'm just reluctant. The dream's telling me nothing new, but it shows what itll be like if I don't change it--limping along with a system set up to maximize profit by denying service. I get that banks are leery of cyberfraud right now, but protecting my money's pointless if they protect it from ME. Soon as I can, cash out my IRA and leave this bank I never chose.

LISTS AND LINKS: weird dream jobs - frustration - money & capitalism - security & guarding - fast & slow - financial advice & warning dreams - ESP in general - digital dream art - same dreamer same night: Lamest Car Chase Ever

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