3. Michael's Dream
Dreamed c. 1993 by Michael; written by Mark Doty
Michael writes to tell me his dream:
I was helping Randy out of bed, supporting him on one side with another friend on the other, and as we stood him up, he stepped out
This is what I imagine will happen,
under the man or woman's arms,
how little his body had to do with me;
the first thing about. I said,
Maybe I want to be an old leaf.
holding Jerry, though he's already gone,
and I'm holding Wally, who's going.
in this raddled and unraveling "here."
and wood to mark the speed of the stream?
SOURCE: "Atlantis" is a set of six poems by Mark Doty; it's the heart of his 1994 collection Atlantis. Three of the six are dream-centered. The World Dream Bank normally excludes nondream poems, but these are so powerful and compassionate I've made an exception and posted all six: 1 Faith - 2 Reprieve - 3 Michael's Dream - 4 Atlantis - 5 Coastal - 6 New Dog
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