Dreamed c.1965 by Graham Greene
Sometime in the 1960s I was cruising at night off some point of Arabia. In the interior not far away was the ruined castle of Orbutum. There were stories that somewhere along this coast were the lost mines of King Solomon. Mysterious lights shone in the sky above the castle, and there was a legend that, if you named someone you had loved, a light would fall and indicate where the treasure lay. I whispered a name (a Swedish name) but nothing happened--was it perhaps that I had not loved enough?
None the less, I persuaded the captain that we should search in the ruins. We had to take out permits for our hunt, guaranteeing to keep no more than one percent of what we found. That was no matter in the captain's view--they would never know what the correct percentage was.
But before we could start our hunt, an American naval officer arrived who claimed sole rights. We told him we had priority, but he indicated that that meant nothing. In his papers it was printed that the American government kept the castle of Orbutum in repair for tourists, and in return the government had the first right to prospect.
There was no arguing with the American government.
SOURCE: A World of My Own: a Dream Diary by Graham Greene, p.86.
DATE: in his travel-dream chapter, entries appear roughly chronological; the dreams bracketing this one are from his journal's first year, late 1964-65.
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