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American Flag

Dreamed 1954 by Jasper Johns

“I dreamt that I saw myself painting the American flag.”

So he did. Over and over...

'American Flag', 1954 dream painting by Jasper Johns. Click to enlarge.

Looking back from 1965, Johns added “I have not dreamed of any other painting. I must be grateful for such a dream!" He laughed. "The unconscious thought was accepted by the conscious gratefully."

SOURCE: Artforum March 1965, p.33, interview with Walter Hop.

I was never a fan of his flags, but I've only seen reproductions. He painted with encaustic (blending pigments with beeswax); the wax coats strips of newspaper, faintly visible beneath. So seen close up, in person, his painting looks, feels and even smells nothing like a flag.

--Chris Wayan

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