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Dreamed 2022/9/27 by Wayan

I've got resigned to that second dick I grew,
still a bit shorter but just as thick, below
prime dong. They stiffen as twins; I can't pick
one prick. So I feel only fit for women who

like vaginal & anal every time. Strips down
my love quest! Need a quirky taste in sex;
I'll have to learn to flex all else, relax
my character sphincter--bring the kooks on!

But I woke from my awkward dream of a new
cock to find a third, half-grown below the two
elder prongs. And who the hell's trinookious?
What's more, next dawn, if I wake with four

or more, more, more...
what do I do?

My face with phallic horns & the words 'horny again'. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

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