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Sunshine is the pseudonym for an intermittent dreamer. He writes: "I've been keeping this dream journal on and off for a year. I only write down the vivid and interesting ones, but as soon as I start writing them down, I stop having them (hence the wide gaps in time)."

Unusual! Most dreamworkers (including me) find writing dreams down spurs better recall. Write me if you have Sunshine's problem! I'd like to know if this is a common issue I've overlooked.


What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

THE FACTORY: by Sunshine; 2015/9/25, a metaphorical dream
Elegant, ancient, the tower rose into the clouds. Inside? Smoke & darkness. Workers roast meat...
HOMEBOUND: by Sunshine; 2015/3/21, a dream posing an ethical dilemma
Elves are making humans grow tree-doors back to Faerie. But are they invasion-scouts, or just going home?
ISLAND LOVERS: by Sunshine; 2015/9/14, a horror-film dream gone soft?
They sneak off from a party to have a thresome, but monsters try to harvest their organs! Inept monsters...
LEATHER BOYS: by Sunshine; 2015/3/17, a Lovecraftian dream
Leather boys flap down from the sky, feeding from giant mustard pots. We fight them with honey & boomerangs.
THE ONION: by Sunshine; 2015/3/16, a magical dream voyage
My love and I steal the only onion in the world! To make our getaway we sail off the edge of the earth...

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