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Davi Kopenawa

Excerpts from Davi Kopenawa's The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shaman. The dreams below aren't the only ones of interest; see more childhood dreams p.33-39 or so, his father-in-law's epic initiatory dream p.49-54, and Kopena's dreams in/of Paris p. 343 and in/of New York, p350-1.

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BEES' DISTRESS: by Davi Kopenawa, late Nov. 1989, a shamanic dream
On my first trip to Europe, I found bees there live in boxes. They came to me in my dream to say "We are slowly
starving, as humans kill the flowers and trees we need." They asked me to warn the white people, who are deaf...
EUROPE'S SPIRITS LIVE: by Davi Kopenawa, late 1989/11 and 1990/10/12-16; shamanic dreams
I visited Europe while suffering from malaria. The local spirits helped me, cooling my fever. They prefer to live
high in the mountains where the air and water are still clean. White people ignore them, but they're still there...
FLIGHT FROM A JAGUAR: by Davi Kopenawa, 1959-62, a child's recurring nightmare turns to flight
A jaguar tracked me. I ran, but never escaped; it pounced on me and I woke crying. I tried climbing trees, but
it climbed after me. The only escape was to jump from the highest branch, flapping desperately. And I flew...
INITIATION: by Davi Kopenawa, Fall 1983, account of a shamanic ordeal
When I first took yãkoana, my visions were disappointing--where were the spirits? They studied
me for days, until they knew I was serious. Then a few came, then a horde! Overwhelming...
TREE, RIVER, BIRD, MOON: by Davi Kopenawa, 1959-62, a child's shamanic dreams
I climbed a tree with a beautiful view, but climbing down I fell, and woke. I visited the people under the
river. A beautiful ayocora bird danced for me. But so did the moon spirit, baring its fangs. Terrifying!

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