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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ARAGORN'S LIVER: by Wayan; 1983/1/29, a health-warning nightmare. I'm a hobbit in Silicon Valley, stalking Ring-wraiths down El Camino. But one of them's stalking me... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, HYPNOTIC GASLIGHTING |
DESERT EYES: by Wayan; 1984/3/4, a dream of portals. We desert-hobbits break through to a world of jungle giants who see differently from us. Will they believe us about the UFOs? |
FIVE ELVISH DREAMS: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2005/6/10-2005/6/19, an incubated lucid-dream sequence 1: I visit Elrond and Bilbo in Elvenhome, but overthinking traps me in a timeloop; 2: Elrond says he renounces seriousness for joy, and plans a great, inclusive party; 3: I feel unworthy, but set out on a desert quest with Elrond's young apprentice; 4: I meet joyful, drunken, singing elves but hide in a tree, too shy to join in; 5: I meet a nervous elven singer and a dolphin trapped in a tiny pool in my bedroom... |
HIS MINE: by Wayan; 1985/12/2, an epic Wild West dream I'm a hobbit seeking Henry Fonda's haunted gold mine. And find it. Or is that chocolate? But then I'm caught in a shamanic showdown in a bar where they serve real spirits... |
HOBBIT ERUPTIONS: by Wayan, 1990/12/31, a counterfictional dream poem I contemplate Bilbo taunting Smaug, then Frodo, Sam and Gollum triggering Mt Doom to erupt, but next I "remember" other fiery catastrophes and "realize" hobbits are always causing... |
A HOBBIT IN L.A.: by Wayan; 1990/1/8, a dream on wishes. I'm a hobbit woman in Los Angeles, hiding a magic weapon from Sauron. No, not THAT weapon. The wishing-bucket... |
HOBBIT SNIPER: by Wayan; 1998/10/13, a dream on strategy. I'm a sniper in a desert battle of men against hobbits. Guilty for not fighting openly, but that'd be suicidal... CAUTION: MATH AND WAR |
I DREAM OF... ME: by Linda Medley; 1990 or 91, a dream-comic, the seed of Castle Waiting I wake in a hobbit-hole. My love looks worried. What's wrong with me? A badger takes me to see wizard Sean Connery, who gives me feathers to eat, and I become... |
TWO PLANES: by Wayan, 1994/9/6, a multistaged psychic dream. An assassination plot using two planes triggers an invasion of our kingdom. Flee? Fight? I'm a peaceful hobbit who'd rather be playing Frisbee with the dryads... |
WALDROP'S SUMMONED: by Wayan; 1994/2/2, a dream on spiritual callings. I'm in Middle Earth, interviewing dwarves and hobbits who've experienced a phenomenon called Summoning... |
WELLS'S QUEST: by Wayan; 1992/7/14, a benevolent dream. I'm on a world inhabited by hobbits when H.G. Wells shows up, looking for a Ring of Power... |
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