Havelock Ellis
Well, one theory of his looks pretty plausible. He argued that a lot of dreams explore different aspects or meanings of a word, phrase or short concept, without necessarily mentioning this core idea in the dreams themselves. "Hell Hall" below is his example. After reading his theory, my conscious was skeptical, but my dreams went wild--that whole night I had Ellis-type dreams punning on Pa/paw, guilt/gilt, soul/sole, and drumstick (musical/edible). Artist Jim Shaw also had at least two Ellisian dreams, exploring the ambiguity of 'mugs' and 'tablets': Jesus Heads & Looking for Librium, and Graham Greene's whole dream on fellow writer Ford Madox Ford puns on his name. So Ellisian dreams aren't unique to Ellis--they just aren't the whole dream spectrum! Just as Freud was wrong to treat the Sandman's vast realm as one stuffy, middle-class suburb. Don't sell your dreams short.
RELATED TOPICS: some contemporaries: Freud - Jung - E.M. Martin - William Archer - Mary Arnolds-Fisher - Add your own dream! - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ALBATROSS LOVE: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1880?, a dream of unrequited love An albatross with beautiful eyes transformed into a woman. But her nose remained a beak! She asked... |
THE DEVIL'S TRILL: by Giuseppe Tartini; c.1713, a musical inspiration dream. I sold my soul to the Devil. On an impulse, I handed him my fiddle. To my wonder, he played a sonata of exquisite beauty. When I woke I retained only echoes... |
ELLIS CRITIQUE: by Wayan; 2008/12/10, four dreams comically explore Havelock Ellis's dream-theories! Pa warns me to protect my paws. Then gilt wounds my sole. Then a lioness eats a tasty drumstick. Then a bus crashes on our corner--for real! |
HEART-SWING: by Havelock Ellis; c.1920? a dream-conversation with a heart A young woman and I swing one another into the air. I asked her to swing me more slowly and regularly... |
HELL HALL: by Anonymous #3; c.1920?, a dream of initiatory cannibalism A revival meeting goes bad--suicides, 'long pig', a hell-pit. If you sup with the devil, carry a long fork! |
I WANT A SHILLING: Anonymous #4; c.1920?, a dream on the precise value of ideals I'm at a lecture on Art, Beauty and the Nude, but no one paid the model and he wants a drink... |
JESUS HEADS: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, punning dreamlets of giant... mugs In a museum I see huge Jesus heads with inset saints and figures in pain; then, in our old back yard, huge coffee cups half-sunk in the grass... |
MOLLUSCUM FIBROSUM: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1920? A surreal dream of... sex? medicine? A woman models an elegant gown baring her breasts. All five of them. Wait, those aren't breasts, they're... |
THE PERFECT MUSICAL GENIUS: by "Agnes"; before 1922, a Romantic romantic dream. I'm to be martyred. I ask if the man I love can strangle me. Yes! I say farewell to our hermaphroditic genius baby... |
SELVDROLLA: by Havelock Ellis; before 1922, an ignored prescriptive dream A doctor tells Ellis to try "selvdrolla", but he's so focused on the strange name he forgets the prescription... |
TIPCAT: by Anonymous #57; c.1920; a funny little dream-poem Four lines of comic nonsense composed in a dream... |
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