Carla Young
Carla Young's trying an experiment--posting both a dream and a painting or drawing of that dream every day. Anyone who's ever tried to do either half of that can appreciate the scale of the challenge. When I posted an illustrated dream-poem daily (the Dreamverse Project) I only lasted a month before I had to cut back to one a week.
I only post dreams that may entertain others--funny, sexy, scary, scenic, weird. Carla's looking for meaning. As the name of her website hints, her interpretations are strongly Jungian. But I also suspect a subtle influence from our mutual friend Jenny Badger Sultan and her decades of dream-painting. She too dreams not for drama or amusement but for depth--and for the long haul.
Below are samples of Carla's dreams and art, ranging from epic to a single sentence.
RELATED TOPICS: Jungian dreams - mandalas and other visual symbols - dream-paintings, dream-comics, and collage - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
BARING THE BREAST: by Carla Young, 2010/2/27; dream painting and scene I'm half-naked at an arty dinner party, talking to a man I really think I ought to recognize... who is he? CAUTION: TOPLESS JUNGIAN |
A BODICE RIPPER: by Carla Young, 2010/2/22; epic (and episodic) dream with 5 paintings Awkward newlyweds. Not a love match! Can they co-operate to save a woman from the Nazis?... |
THE MEDIEVAL POISONERS: by Carla Young, 2010/1/3; illustrated non-nightmare Two medieval women poison one another. One dies in my arms; the other may just survive. Why did they...? CAUTION: MURDERERS |
THE POWER OF MOONLIGHT: by Carla Young, 2010/1/2; painting of a dream image I wish I could be as body-free as my neighbor Jenna, hiking nude under the full moon... |
SPARK OF THE DIVINE: by Carla Young, 2010/2/2; painting of a brief oracular dream A voice told me, "Human beings have a spark of the divine"... |
WHAT ARE THE ISSUES?: by Carla Young, 2010/3/16; painting of a political dream pun My friend's ignorant of our local Congressional race. I loathe Pombo and like his rival McNerney, but can't pronounce his name right... |
A WORK OF ART: by Carla Young, early 1970s; dream painting and story I'm to be beheaded. Guards chant "It's important to enjoy what you're doing." I know my spilled blood will create a work of art... |
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